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Lots of people back and amazing health care stories!


We are 3 weeks away from our trip to Cambodia! it's amazing how fast time has gone by. We are getting some things ready, and the YWAM base in Battambang is excited to welcome us. This week the YWAM Kona base is full with people, with the ones who just came from outreach (about 500 students coming from 40 countries) after 2 months and with us prepairing to leave. It has been amazing to sing praises to the Lord together! giving thanks for what He has done and giving Him thanks for what He will do with the next 600 students who will fly out into the nations.

I just wanted to share with you a couple of stories on how we can bring hope, love and truth in the name of JesusChrist through healthcare.

The enemy is out in this world, lying, confusing people, destroying villages and killing people. We can change that situation with God's love and truth! One of our speakers told us about a village in Cambodia, and they all had night blindness, the team who was doing primary health care workshops, explained to them that it was because of déficit of Vitamin A, and that it can be found in orange and yellow fruits and the papayas that they had all around the village. And they asked them, "why don't you eat papayas?" and the people from the village responded that they were told to their ancestors that it was bad for them. So they wouldn't eat them! and by telling them the truth about their sickness and how to treat them, the whole village was change, not only that generation but the ones to come.

A simple lie, was keeping a village with night blindness!

Another story, is about a lady who just gave birth in the slums of India, and because of the malnutrition her breast milk had stopped. That means death for the baby, they don't have money for formula. And one student from the primary health school remembered about the Moringa tree, and it grows in India! after two days of Moringa soup, her milk came back and all the people in that place learned about nutrition and about the Moringa tree. And their lives changed, improved and the babies and children under 5 had a chance to live.

A girl heard the workshop on the human body and female topics, and she was crying. She had started to have her period, but she didn't know what it was, and she thought it was a curse, and would go to the temple and pray and cry, she felt guilty and shame. And after that workshop she cried as she felt released of that guilt and understood it was part of the blessing of carrying new life. She was forever changed.

The solution to many of the problems that affects people's lives is knowledge. They are Smart! but they have to be taught! How to eat, use the resources around them, wash their hands, boil water, clean wounds, keeping the animals in one place and the kids in a different place, and many other things. We think of them as logical, but for so many people they have never been taught, and without Access to healthcare, they are left with no options but to watch their babies die, the new mothers die or their children under 5 die. Reaching out to them with love and truth can transform a child's life, a family and a community.

A doctor was speaking to us about AIDS/ HIV and how a doctor who was working in a prisión in Africa, asked him "So tell me how you get HIV?" ....and it's just lack of knowledge, and they believe the lies the enemy whispers to them "it's a curse" "it's normal" "it's life" "it's witchcraft" and as health professionals we have the blessing to go and be ambassadors of life, love and truth by God's grace and power!

I hope that by Reading these stories you are inspired to pray for the countries we are going! Belen, Brasil; Papua New Guinea and Cambodia. Pray for the light of God's truth to shine and that it will break through the darkness to set His people free. That is our goal, and our medical background it's just a tool to reach out. We are prepairing to touch people's hearts, spirits and bodies, the whole person because God cares about every aspect of their lives.

We are still short on completing our outreach fees, so if you have consider giving to our ministry please click on the link and it will go directly to YWAM account on our behalf ! thank you for partnering with us to transform the nations with God's love.


We are doing good, our God is good and faithful! and He loves us. We had the great opportunity to go out to dinner to a nice hotel and saw Mantas swimming in the ocean! The doctor who was speaking at our class and his wife invited us. She is living in Alaska, and lives far away from her grandkids and kids and the last week she was telling the Lord how she felt like she had no family and Luis gave her a present (as part of a mortal-angel game where you give gifts) and it was a jade bracelet, that in Luis's family they give to the ladies as a sign of protection from the family. And she was overwhelmed, the Lord spoke to her and told her He will always give her family to be around and enjoy. And we were surprised that she was so touched! but, that is how God Works and moves through us and for us. Because He knows our deepest thoughts, and He loves us and He likes to surprise us. :) We even got a babysitter for Maclau! and Maclau's request was for the nanny to speak english (we have korean Friends too...;P)

Picture: Dr. Gear and Kim

Keep us in your prayers! For my team organization, for safety traveling and protection during our time in Cambodia, for our health (there is dengue, Malaria, and other things) and for the people we will meet, that they will see we are there to love them because God loves them and He cares about them.

Thank you so much for praying with us and for us, for Reading our updates and for sustaining us spiritually with your love and friendship. We cherish each one of you!

A big hug to you and your families!

Luis, Clau and Maclau Choy

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