A dentist where there are none
Many times I have been asked how I ended up doing missions. They look at me attentively, trying to understand why I chose to leave a dental practice behind, leave my family and country to go to another. The answer is easy. It's because of Christ's great love.
When I was 15 years old, I saw a little girl with neurological symptoms due to an infection that originated in her molar, spread to her ear and was reaching her head. She was 6 years old, very small and thin. She lived in the jungle, hours down the river and very far from the nearest hospital. The closest town didn't have a dentist either. A dental therapist would come once a month to check on patients. This was the hard reality of the little girl's family. The medical team I was translating for didn't have a dentist with them either. I asked them why there are no dentists coming? They said it is hard to get dentists to go on mission trips.
I was moved. My heart was broken.
Every trip I went on, people asked if there were dentists coming. Every mom describing how her kids cry at night because their tooth hurt and they can't do anything to help. Every elderly person saying they have been in pain for years, living in suffering. I heard their cries, as I am sure our Lord Jesus has.
Then the Lord asked me, will you be the one who goes?
Our God hears their cries and their prayers. His heart is broken for them. He invites you and me to step into His plans, to go and meet them with love and compassion and to ease their pain in His name!
Peru has around 14 000 active dentists. Papua New Guinea had 121 dentists in 2009, only 6 registered in the last Health Plan.
No matter how far each of these families live, they are worth so much! God sent His son for each of them. Shouldn't we see them like our God does? If we say we love Jesus and we follow Him, then we should be living our lives in such a way that we let every person know of their value, God's sacrificial love for them and how they can follow Him.
Selling our practice and everything we owned to step into missions was not easy. We don't have a "regular" life, with a big house, dogs, a new car, a 9-5 clinic day, a pay check every month, and church on Sundays. Very far from all of that.
When we sing "He is worthy of it all", we mean it. He is Lord over everything. He is Lord of our lives. The same God who provided for dental school and equipped me, is sending me to the corners of the earth to use my hands to bring hope and healing to the people He loves. The prayer in my heart was for Jesus to use me, for His kingdom. I want to go where it is hard, where no one goes, where it is far, where people feel like there is no God and no one hears their cries for help.
I told the Lord, here I am, send me. I will go. No matter the cost. Well, here I am a few years later. No regrets.
The time came where we needed to make a choice. Do we follow Jesus, calling us to walk on unchartered waters or do we hop back in the boat where is safe? We chose to let go the boat. Well, here we are, as a family now! No regrets.
I don't want life to pass by and look back and say to myself "What if I would have....? If I would have been more courageous...". I want to do all what God has prepared for me to do. I want to look back on my life and tell of God's mercy and goodness and how I listened to His voice and followed Him to the ends of the earth, for love.
God says He created us, chose us and called us by name. He has prepared good works for us to do! (Ephesians 2:10) I love (one of my favorite books!) that the title says "Made Alive in Christ". Why are we living each day for Christ and to serve others? Because we are alive in Him! Our lives are His. I no longer live but Christ in me! He has welcomed us into His family through Christ. We went from spiritually dead to fully alive and there is no other way to live than laying down our lives for His glory!
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20
Peru has around 14 000 active dentists. Papua New Guinea had 121 dentists in 2009, only 6 registered in the last Health Plan. Is not chance that has led us to serve this nation with Ywam Ships. It is God's plans and His calling for my life, spoken to me so many years ago. The sovereign God saw a small girl in Peru and called me to dream with Him to bless countries I never knew the names of and further His kingdom through medical ministries.
We see God's heart for the unreached people, for the people living in isolation and feeling forgotten. We can go and tell them about this amazing God who sees them! He is the way, the truth and the life and they can know Him personally. Such a privilege to bring the good news through dental care! Love and hope in a tangible way.
"So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere" Luke 9:6
Our little family of 3 has been serving for 5 years with Ywam Ships Kona. I can tell you stories of miracle after miracle of how God takes the few fish and bread and multiplies to bless way more than we ever thought it would. It hasn't been easy. It's hard to not worry sometimes. As a mom, I want a good education for Maclau, for her to do things she loves after school, a happy meal sometimes, and all the normal things families do!
We are a regular family, but living by faith in missions.
Our monthly support is at 30%. That means a little over $1000 for our whole family.
We know the Lord didn't call us to do this alone. We are praying and asking for people with a heart for medical missions to join us and partner with us.
Here is how you can support us!
Pray for us! Sign up for our monthly newsletter and pray for us.
Give $50, $100 or other amount. We have many ways how you can send support. You can click on the buttons on our website. https://claudiaagurtoh.wixsite.com/choyfamily/partner-with-us
Share with friends, church, small group or family! We would love to share more about our ministry with them.
Here is a video of my missions story! https://youtu.be/8XDBlSeGh_8
If you have any questions please contact us! claudia.agurto@ywamships.net / Luis.choy@ywamships.net
This 2023 we are excited to receive and set up the dental container (a dental office inside a container built in Germany) in Madang, Papua New Guinea. The medical teams are partnering with the Oral Bible Translation teams to bring God's word in the language of their hearts! We are hoping to go in the summer and serve as dentists and lead the ship medical team in PNG.
We are looking at this year full of excitement and hope for the transformation of every village in Madang, PNG for Christ!
From Peru to bless the nations in His name!
"...hasta lo último de la Tierra" Hechos 1:8 (Acts 1:8)
Want to follow us on social media? Follow us here! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LuisyClaudiaChoy/ Instagram: Claudiadechoy Website: The Choy Family Website whatsapp: +1 808 437 9801 / +1 808 481 1239