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It's time to GO ! PNG here we come!

How was your summer? 

Ours was full of events that raised our heartbeats, made us pray for miracles, and we have seen His faithfulness in every situation.

My family visited us this summer. It was so good to be together. We spent days exploring, learning about Hawaii Coffee Farms and playing in the waves! 

Maclau loved every minute of it.

At the same time, Luis and I were dealing with many different things with the ship and with our friends in Madang, PNG.


In one week, we were procuring a speed log for the ship from the UK, flying the people bringing them, receiving news of a young missionary sick in Madang and a break into the storage containers at the Port. This is just to keep it short. We had sleepless nights, long days, visa delays, flights canceled, sickness, transition of staff into roles, confusion, discouragement, and just tired.

In the midst of it all, we had to seek God's wisdom and grace. It was a stressful couple of weeks. Sometimes we don't know what's next, but we trust the one Who holds it all together. 

Cintia, a nurse from Brazil, arrived in July! I have been showing her the things we do in the office to support, mobilize, track applications, outreaches, looking for supplies, setting her up for upcoming medical conferences and training. Cintia will be flying in my place to different trainings and conferences. This is a blessing for us! Our family can go to PNG to serve with the teams!  

In August, Luis and I, with the medical staff ran a medical seminar at the Ships Kona base. This training offers 22 CEU/CME for doctors and nurses. Also, we get to learn together about topics that are relevant to serving in developing nations! We had 14 attendees from different countries come together to learn from one another. I (Claudia) had the opportunity to teach a class on Oral Health in Missions! It was a nice time for fellowship, prayer, and seeing God's heart for medical missions. 

In the meantime, the medical outreaches continued in Madang, PNG! We rejoice with all what God is doing through each outreach. Schools are opening the doors to the teams, hearing about the love of Jesus! The teams are blessing different villages and continue to serve them with health care services, love, encouragement and hope.

Here is the impact so far of the medical teams in 2024 in a nutshell! 

Visited 25 villages and nearby islands 

2442 people have been part of health education efforts

2455 primary health care consults

365 malaria tests and treatments

22 optometry consults and glasses distribution

609 bibles distributed

1916 people got prayer

213 people said yes to the Lord (salvations) 

5 DTS teams from Montana, Ships Kona and Honolulu 

47 medical volunteers from all over the world

83 general volunteers 

5356 people engaged with community engagement activities 

12 languages of the 33 blessed and served in their communities.

They are a true testimony of Jesus sending out his disciples:

"So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere." Luke 9:6 

Please keep praying for the young missionaries serving long term, for the medical volunteers and young DTS teams going for ministry! Let's cover them with prayer for health, strength, joy, teamwork, refreshing spirit with God's presence and for the Lord's name to go forward in every heart, every family and every village! 

Our family has been raising the funds for the flights to go in September - October. Praise God we reached our goal last week! 

We booked tickets yesterday! woo hoo! We will arrive in PNG on September 4th.

We have one thing in our hearts, and that is to love and encourage each team member. We want to go with them to the villages, enjoy serving with them, love the people in the villages and encourage the team. I (Claudia) also have meetings with the Outreach Authority of the Madang province to coordinate the upcoming outreaches with the ship in the future.

"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up." Galatians 6:9

Would you pray for us as we go? 

We know how important it is to go and be with the teams on the ship and in Madang. We want to bring life and encouragement. Please pray for our health, for us to remain healthy to be with each team member and go to the villages. A special prayer for Maclau, may the Lord keep her safe from malaria and any other other disease as she comes with us.

Maclau is very happy to go see her friends in Madang! She has started 6th grade with Abeka and will take her school with her. She has been having swimmer's ears this summer and in pain with that. She has started Hula again and is excited to travel this fall. 

We would appreciate your prayers as we spend this time in Papua New Guinea. Please pray for wisdom, grace, strength, health, safety, and supernatural grace to serve in a challenging country.

We hope to be back in Kona around November 7. I will try to send updates. Feel free to follow us on Facebook for pictures and prayer requests too! 

Hope you have a lovely fall or spring! 

With love,

Luis, Claudia and Maria Claudia Choy 

Missionaries with Ywam Ships Kona

From Peru to "...hasta lo último de la Tierra" Hechos 1:8 (Acts 1:8) 

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